World Bank Gender Data Portal | Assets

The World Bank's Gender Data Portal makes the latest gender statistics accessible through compelling narratives and data visualizations to improve the understanding of gender data and facilitate analyses that inform policy choices.

The complete record of Gender Data is available for download in .csv and Excel formats as well as being accessible by API.* Users can access the full dataset, or data for specific indicators within an indicator group, as well as for specific countries, regions, and topics.


This notebook examines the topic of Assets. We will walk through how to load in asset data and will reproduce the visualizations on the topic summary page.

Data Access

The Data Portal offers users a few ways to access Assets data, including a list of all asset indicators, .csv file downloads and API access via Databank. The the topic page is also available as .pdf.

Let's use the D3.js delimiter-separated value module to load in the .csv file.

Initial Explorations

Before we jump into the visualizations, let's get to know our data:

The table view immediately shows us that each data entry consists of just variables, namely:

There are years covered in the data set.

And there are unique entries returned under the 'countries' variable.

sounds pretty high, so let's take a closer look by grouping first by country, and then by indicator (which has the lovely effect of also helping us discover more how indicators are reported across countries).

While we aren't pulling these out programmatically, spotting the extra country entries is pretty quick just by reading the country grouping above. The 'extras' are higher-level aggregations offered for our convenience:

  "Arab World" 
  "East Asia & Pacific" 
  "East Asia & Pacific (excluding high income)" 
  "Euro area" 
  "Europe & Central Asia" 
  "Europe & Central Asia (excluding high income)" 
  "High income" 
  "Latin America & Caribbean " 
  "Latin America & Caribbean (excluding high income)"
  "Low income" 
  "Lower middle income" 
  "Middle East & North Africa" 
  "Middle East & North Africa (excluding high income)"
  "North America" 
  "OECD members" 
  "South Asia" 
  "Sub-Saharan Africa " 
  "Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high income)"
  "Upper middle income"

Our data are also comprised of unique indicators.

Not all indicators have values for each year, and not all countries have historically reported all values.

Grouping first by indicator, then by year, we see which indicators have greater or fewer observations across time.

const indicators_group_year = [... new Set(d3.flatGroup(assets, d => d["Indicator Name"], d => d["Year"]))]

Let's identify which indicator has the most observations for a single year:

And the fewest:

Grouping another way, first by indicator and then by country, helps us to see which indicators have been tracked most regularly across countries and regions.

const indicators_group_year_country =  [... new Set(d3.flatGroup(assets, d => d["Indicator Name"], d => d["Country Name"]))]
const indicators_group_year_country_max = display((() => {
let maxObservations = 0;
let indicatorWithMostObservations;

for (const entry of indicators_group_year_country) {
  const observations = entry[2].length;
  if (observations > maxObservations) {
    maxObservations = observations;
    indicatorWithMostObservations = entry[0];

return {
  "Indicator with the most observations for a single country or region": indicatorWithMostObservations,
  "Greatest number of observations for a single country or region": maxObservations

Fantastic! With just a few simple pivot-style transformations, we are learning quite a lot about our data.

Reproducing Visualizations

Now let's have a look at how the World Bank showcases the assets dataset.

Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider by sex and income group

Here's the first visualization on the Assets topic summary page:

This visualization shows `account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider by sex and income group`. Data are a weighted average, aggregated and faceted by economy (the income group classification for each country). The visualization helps to compare the male and female values for each region and across regions.

As we discovered in reviewing the data for countries_group, above, the source assets data file already contains aggregated regional vales.

We can filter down our assets data to focus just on those indicators of interest for our visualization namely FX.OWN.TOTL.FE.ZS (Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, female (% of population ages 15+) and FX.OWN.TOTL.MA.ZS' (Account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, male (% of population ages 15+). Also, because we wish to easily distinguish values by sex, we'll add an additional column to help make this distinction.

const aggregated_account_ownership = assets.filter(asset => {
  const countryNameMatch = [
  'High income',
  'Upper middle income',
  'Lower middle income',
  'Low income'
    // This bit refines our search for specfic indicators
  .includes(asset['Country Name']);
  const indicatorCodeMatch = [
].includes(asset['Indicator Code']);
  return countryNameMatch && indicatorCodeMatch;
    // This bit adds an additional column as a helper, called 'Sex' (for lack of a better word)
    // We use it because it can be dizzying to look at just the indicator codes.
  .map(asset => {
  const Sex = asset['Indicator Code'] === 'FX.OWN.TOTL.FE.ZS' ? 'Female' : 'Male';
  return { Sex, ...asset };

Before we plot the data, let's quickly review our filtered results and anticipate surprises.

The table view shows us that we have data for multiple years. As we create a dot plot similar to the one on the Gender Portal Assets page, which plots values for men and women as dots along a shared access and connects them with a line between each point, we can facet by year.

  marginLeft: 150,
  color: { range: ["orange", "purple"] },
  fx: { tickFormat: "d" },
  x: { domain: [0, 100], ticks: 5 },
  fy: {domain:  ["Low income","Lower middle income", "Upper middle income", "High income"] },
  marks: [
        { x1: "min", x2: "max" },
        { x1: "Value", x2: "Value", y: null, fx: "Year", fy: "Country Name" }
        { x: "mean" },
        { x: "Value", fill: "Sex", r: 5, fx: "Year", fy: "Country Name", tip: true, }

It looks like the visualization on the Assets page focuses on values from the most recent year. Here's a recreation of that chart:

<span style="font-family: Andes, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1;">
    Account ownership at a financial institution</br>
    or with a mobile-money-service provider</br>
    by sex and income group
  marginLeft: 150,
  width: width*0.9,
  height: width*0.4,
  color: { range: ["orange", "purple"], legend: true },
  fx: { tickFormat: "d" },
  x: { domain: [0, 100], ticks: 5 },
  fy: {domain:  ["Low income","Lower middle income", "Upper middle income", "High income"] },
  marks: [
    Plot.frame({ strokeOpacity: 0.2 }),
      aggregated_account_ownership.filter(d => d.Year === 2017),
        { x1: "min", x2: "max" },
        { x1: "Value", x2: "Value", y: null, fx: "Year", fy: "Country Name" }
      aggregated_account_ownership.filter(d => d.Year === 2017),
        { x: "mean" },
        { x: "Value", fill: "Sex", r: 9, fx: "Year", fy: "Country Name", tip: {
              format: {
                Sex: true,
                Value: true,
                fx: false,
                fy: true,
            }, }
<span style="font-family: Andes, Arial, sans-serif;">
    <sub>Source: <a href="">World Bank</a></sub>

Splendid. We have effectively reproduced the visualization. Of course, there's still some room for improvement, but let's keep up the momentum and turn our attention to the next chart.

Saved any money in the past year by sex and income group

The second visualization on the Assets topic summary page compares the percent of population above age 15 that saved any money in the past year.

Reproducing this visualization is a very similar process to our first exercise: just focus on our target indicator and economies.

const aggregated_money_savings_last_year = assets.filter(asset => {
  const countryNameMatch = [
  'High income',
  'Upper middle income',
  'Lower middle income',
  'Low income'
    // This bit refines our search for specfic indicators
  .includes(asset['Country Name']);
  const indicatorCodeMatch = [
].includes(asset['Indicator Code']);
  return countryNameMatch && indicatorCodeMatch;
    // This bit adds an additional column as a helper, called 'Sex' (for lack of a better word)
    // We use it because it can be dizzying to look at just the indicator codes.
  .map(asset => {
  const Sex = asset['Indicator Code'] === 'fin18.t.d.2' ? 'Female' : 'Male';
  return { Sex, ...asset };

Before visualizing, let's again have a quick review of the data.

We again have data for multiple years. Let's first plot a simple stacked bar chart with facets for the two years represented in the dataset for the sake of comparison.

  marginLeft: 150,
  width: width*0.9,
  height: 300,
  color: { range: ["orange", "purple", "#ccc"], legend: true,  },
  y: {domain:  ["Low income","Lower middle income", "Upper middle income", "High income"] },
  marks: [
    Plot.frame({ strokeOpacity: 0.2 }),
    Plot.barX(aggregated_money_savings_last_year, {
      fy: "Year",
      x1: "Value",
      sort: "Value", reverse: true,
      y: "Country Name",
      fill: "Sex",
      tip: {
              format: {
                Sex: true,
                Value: true,
                y: false,
                x2: false,
                fy: false,

The values are fairly close between 2014 and 2017, although the reported number of women saving money in 'upper middle income' countries appears to have gone down significantly. Also, the values being returned by the assets dataset are not the same as those shown in the official visualizations. This may be something to inquire into later.

For now, it's time to try to recreate the World Bank visualization.

Let's first filter the data to focus on the most recent year (2017):

const aggregated_money_savings_last_year_2017 = aggregated_money_savings_last_year.filter(d => d.Year === 2017);

And next, let's render the chart:

     <span style="font-family: Andes, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; padding-right:40px;">
    Saved any money <br/>in the past year <sub>(2017)</sub>
<span style="font-family: Andes, Arial, sans-serif;">
    <sub>Source: <a href="">World Bank</a></sub>
  marginLeft: 0,
  marginTop: 20,
  height: 140,
  width: 500,
  color: { range: ["orange", "purple"], legend: true },
  facet: {
    data: aggregated_money_savings_last_year_2017,
    x: (d) => !["Low income", "Upper middle income"].includes(d["Country Name"]),
    y: (d) => !["Low income", "Lower middle income"].includes(d["Country Name"])
  x: {axis: null, domain: [0, 100]},
  y: {axis: null},
  fx: {axis: null},
  fy: {axis: null, paddingInner: 0.4},
  marks: [
    Plot.text(aggregated_money_savings_last_year_2017, Plot.selectFirst({
      frameAnchor: "top-left",
      text: "Country Name",
      lineAnchor: "bottom",
      fontSize: 14,
      fontWeight: "bold",
      dy: -5
    Plot.rectX(aggregated_money_savings_last_year_2017, {
      fill: "Sex",
      reverse: true,
      y1: d => d.Sex === "Male" ? 1.5 : 0,
      y2: d => d.Sex === "Male" ? 4 : 2.5,
      x2: "Value",
              format: {
                Sex: true,
                Value: true,
                x1: false,
                y: false,
                fx: false,
                fy: false,
    Plot.textX(aggregated_money_savings_last_year_2017, {
      fill: "Sex",
      filter: (d) => d.Sex === "Female",
      text: d => `${d.Value.toFixed(1)}%`,
      textAnchor: "start",
      fontSize: 14,    
      insetTop: 10,
      dx: 4,
      frameAnchor: "bottom",
      fontWeight: "bold",
      x: "Value"
    Plot.textX(aggregated_money_savings_last_year_2017, {
      fill: "Sex",
      filter: (d) => d.Sex === "Male",
      text: d => `${d.Value.toFixed(1)}%`,
      textAnchor: "start",
      fontSize: 14,
      insetTop: 10,
      frameAnchor: "top",
      fontWeight: "bold",
      dx: 4,
      x: "Value"


Men and women who own a house or land by sex

This third visualization from the Gender Portal Assets topic summary page is comprised of two scatter plots. The visualization shows distributions of economies by the percentage of men and women who own a house alone, jointly, or both alone and jointly. The chart on the left shows these ownership distributions for houses. The chart on the right shows distributions for land.

In order to create this visualization, our data must be encoded with both economy and region so that we can assign colors to the dots. As the source assets.csv file does not contain this encoding (it provides only regional aggregates; it does not identify country assignments to regions), we must find a reference index. For this, we'll use the World Bank Country and Lending Groups classifications.

Before going further, let's pause to verify whether the names of countries/economies in the country_and_lending_group_classifications dataset matches those we have for gender assets.

For our comparison, we first want to filter out all the aggregation values for economies, such as '${country_and_lending_group_classifications[220].Economy}', so that we're with just the values for countries.

These are the regional assignments:

And here's the list of economies represented in the country_and_lending_group_classifications dataset:

The classification dataset comprises economies— more than in our assets dataset. There are also a a few economies that have slightly different names and spellings. Let's write a function to help us compare these two datasets so that we can see exactly where they differ:

function compare_country_datasets(source, comparison) {
  const common_countries = Array.from(source).filter(country => comparison.has(country));
  const source_countries = Array.from(source).filter(country => !comparison.has(country));
  const comparison_countries = Array.from(comparison).filter(country => !source.has(country));

  return {common_values: common_countries, source_unique: source_countries, comparison_unique: comparison_countries};

Let's take a moment to re-map the names of economies in the country_and_lending_group_classification_economies to match those in our assets dataset:

const economies_renamed = => ({ ...c, Economy: { "Côte d’Ivoire": "Cote d'Ivoire", "Czech Republic": "Czechia", "São Tomé and Príncipe": "Sao Tome and Principe", "Türkiye": "Turkiye" }[c.Economy] || c.Economy }));

With this step accomplished, it's time to filter down to our target indicators. We'll start by focusing on house ownership:

const own_house = assets.filter(asset => {
  const countryNameMatch = economies_renamed.some(entry =>
    entry.Economy === asset['Country Name']

  const indicatorCodeMatch = [
  ].includes(asset['Indicator Code']);

  return countryNameMatch && indicatorCodeMatch;
  .map(asset => {
    const isFemaleIndicator = [
    ].includes(asset['Indicator Code']);

    const Sex = isFemaleIndicator ? 'Female' : 'Male';

    const classification = economies_renamed.find(c =>
      c.Economy === asset['Country Name']

    if (classification) {
      return {
        Region: classification.Region,
        'Income group': classification['Income group'],

    return { ...asset, Sex };

From the table above, we can quickly see that our filtered data comprises values from across several years—from 2010 to 2020. Some countries report more observations than other, for instance with Senegal reporting the most and Turkey the least. To recreate the World Bank visualization, we'll need to ensure that we're only looking at the most recent year where multiple years are present. We'll also need to combine the reported values for each form of ownership (alone, jointly, or both alone and jointly).

Here's one way to accomplish this:

const own_house_filtered = Object.values(
    //Reduce the 'own_house' array to a key-value store with unique keys based on specific properties.
    own_house.reduce((r, c) => {
      // Create a unique key based on specific properties of the object.
      const key = JSON.stringify({
        "Country Name": c["Country Name"],
        "Country Code": c["Country Code"],
        "Year": c["Year"],
        "Region": c["Region"],
        "Income group": c["Income group"],
      // If the key does not exist in the result object, initialize it with specific properties and default values.
      r[key] = r[key] || { ...c, "Female Value": 0, "Male Value": 0, "Indicator Name": "Own House" };
      // Check if the current entry corresponds to Female or Male Value indicator and update values accordingly.
      const isFemaleIndicator = ["SG.OWN.HSAL.FE.ZS", "SG.OWN.HSJT.FE.ZS", "SG.OWN.HSAJ.FE.ZS"].includes(c["Indicator Code"]);
      const isMaleIndicator = ["SG.OWN.HSAL.MA.ZS", "SG.OWN.HSJT.MA.ZS", "SG.OWN.HSAJ.MA.ZS"].includes(c["Indicator Code"]);
      // Update Female and Male Values based on the indicator type.
      r[key]["Female Value"] += isFemaleIndicator ? (isNaN(c["Value"]) ? 0 : c["Value"]) : 0;
      r[key]["Male Value"] += isMaleIndicator ? (isNaN(c["Value"]) ? 0 : c["Value"]) : 0;

      return r;
    }, {})
    // Group the transformed data by unique keys (Country Name and Indicator Code)
  ).reduce((groups, entry) => {
    const key = `${entry["Country Name"]}-${entry["Indicator Code"]}`;
    // If the key does not exist in the groups object, initialize it as an empty array.
    groups[key] = groups[key] || [];
    // Push the current entry into the corresponding group.
    return groups;
  }, {})
  //Extract the most recent data for Female and Male Values, filling missing Male Values with the last available value.
).flatMap(group => {
  // Find the most recent year in the current group.
  const mostRecentYear = Math.max( => entry["Year"]));
  let lastMaleValue = null;
  return group
    // Filter the entries for the most recent year and non-zero Female and Male Values.
    .filter(entry => entry["Year"] === mostRecentYear && entry["Male Value"] !== 0 && entry["Female Value"] !== 0)
    .map(entry => {
      // Fill missing Male Values with the last available value.
      if (entry["Male Value"] === 0 && lastMaleValue !== null) {
        entry["Male Value"] = lastMaleValue;
      } else {
        lastMaleValue = entry["Male Value"];
      return entry;

Let's plot the results and see how close we are...

  color: { legend: true, range: ["dodgerblue", "magenta", "green", "purple" , "orange", "red", "gray"], opacity : 0.8 },
  insetTop: 10,
  insetRight: 10,
  insetBottom: 10,
  insetLeft: 10,
  height: 400,
  width: 500,
  y: { percent: false,domain:[0,100], grid: true },
  x: { percent: false, domain:[0,100], grid: true },
  caption: "Own House",
  marks: [, {
      x: "Male Value",
      y: "Female Value",
      stroke: "Region",
      fill: "Region",
      opacity: 0.4,
      channels: {Year: "Year", Country: "Country Name"},
      tip: true
    Plot.ruleY([0]),[0], {
      x1: 0,
      y1: 0,
      x2: 100,
      y2: 100,
      strokeDasharray: "5,3",
      strokeOpacity: (k) => k === 1 ? 1 : 0.2

Looking good! Next let's repeat this process focusing on land ownership:

const own_land = assets.filter(asset => {
  const countryNameMatch = economies_renamed.some(entry =>
    entry.Economy === asset['Country Name']

  const indicatorCodeMatch = [
    // own land alone
    // own land jointly
    // own land both alone and jointly
  ].includes(asset['Indicator Code']);

  return countryNameMatch && indicatorCodeMatch;
  .map(asset => {
    const isFemaleIndicator = [
    ].includes(asset['Indicator Code']);

    const Sex = isFemaleIndicator ? 'Female' : 'Male';

    const classification = economies_renamed.find(c =>
      c.Economy === asset['Country Name']

    if (classification) {
      return {
        Region: classification.Region,
        'Income group': classification['Income group'],

    return { ...asset, Sex };
const own_land_filtered = Object.values(
    //Reduce the 'own_land' array to a key-value store with unique keys based on specific properties.
    own_land.reduce((r, c) => {
      // Create a unique key based on specific properties of the object.
      const key = JSON.stringify({
        "Country Name": c["Country Name"],
        "Country Code": c["Country Code"],
        "Year": c["Year"],
        "Region": c["Region"],
        "Income group": c["Income group"],
      // If the key does not exist in the result object, initialize it with specific properties and default values.
      r[key] = r[key] || { ...c, "Female Value": 0, "Male Value": 0, "Indicator Name": "Own Land" };
      // Check if the current entry corresponds to Female or Male Value indicator and update values accordingly.
      const isFemaleIndicator = [
    // own land alone
    // own land jointly
    // own land both alone and jointly
    'SG.OWN.LDAJ.FE.ZS'].includes(c["Indicator Code"]);
      const isMaleIndicator = [
    // own land alone
    // own land jointly
    // own land both alone and jointly,
    'SG.OWN.LDAJ.MA.ZS'].includes(c["Indicator Code"]);
      // Update Female and Male Values based on the indicator type.
      r[key]["Female Value"] += isFemaleIndicator ? (isNaN(c["Value"]) ? 0 : c["Value"]) : 0;
      r[key]["Male Value"] += isMaleIndicator ? (isNaN(c["Value"]) ? 0 : c["Value"]) : 0;

      return r;
    }, {})
    // Group the transformed data by unique keys (Country Name and Indicator Code)
  ).reduce((groups, entry) => {
    const key = `${entry["Country Name"]}-${entry["Indicator Code"]}`;
    // If the key does not exist in the groups object, initialize it as an empty array.
    groups[key] = groups[key] || [];
    // Push the current entry into the corresponding group.
    return groups;
  }, {})
  //Extract the most recent data for Female and Male Values, filling missing Male Values with the last available value.
).flatMap(group => {
  // Find the most recent year in the current group.
  const mostRecentYear = Math.max( => entry["Year"]));
  let lastMaleValue = null;
  return group
    // Filter the entries for the most recent year and non-zero Female and Male Values.
    .filter(entry => entry["Year"] === mostRecentYear && entry["Male Value"] !== 0 && entry["Female Value"] !== 0)
    .map(entry => {
      // Fill missing Male Values with the last available value.
      if (entry["Male Value"] === 0 && lastMaleValue !== null) {
        entry["Male Value"] = lastMaleValue;
      } else {
        lastMaleValue = entry["Male Value"];
      return entry;
  color: { legend: true, range: ["dodgerblue", "magenta", "green", "purple" , "orange", "red", "gray"], opacity : 0.8 },
  insetTop: 10,
  insetRight: 10,
  insetBottom: 10,
  insetLeft: 10,
  height: 400,
  width: 500,
  y: { percent: false,domain:[0,80], grid: true },
  x: { percent: false, domain:[0,80], grid: true },
  caption: "Own Land",
  marks: [, {
      x: "Male Value",
      y: "Female Value",
      stroke: "Region",
      fill: "Region",
      opacity: 0.4,
      channels: {Year: "Year", Country: "Country Name"},
      tip: true
    Plot.ruleY([0]),[0], {
      x1: 0,
      y1: 0,
      x2: 100,
      y2: 100,
      strokeDasharray: "5,3",
      strokeOpacity: (k) => k === 1 ? 1 : 0.2

To bring everything together, let's quickly write out the remaining bits of code needed to create a stand-alone legend, then bundle it all up into a HTML component similar to match the World Bank's visualization:

const categories = [
            "Latin America & Caribbean",
            "South Asia",     
            "Sub-Saharan Africa",
            "Europe & Central Asia",
            "Middle East & North Africa",
            "East Asia & Pacific",
const categoricalRange = [
 "rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.5)", "rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.5)", "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)", "rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.5)", "rgba(128, 0, 128, 0.5)", "rgba(30, 144, 255, 0.5)"
//Green, Orange, Red, Magenta, Purple, Dodger Blue//

<span style="font-family: Andes, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1;">
    Men and women who own a house or land by sex
  color: { legend: false, range: ["dodgerblue", "magenta", "green", "purple" , "orange", "red", "gray"], opacity : 0.8 },
  insetTop: 10,
  insetRight: 10,
  insetBottom: 10,
  insetLeft: 10,
  height: 400,
  width: 500,
  y: { percent: false,domain:[0,100], grid: true },
  x: { percent: false, domain:[0,100], grid: true },
  caption: "Own House",
  marks: [, {
      x: "Male Value",
      y: "Female Value",
      stroke: "Region",
      fill: "Region",
      opacity: 0.4,
      channels: {Year: "Year", Country: "Country Name"},
      tip: true
    Plot.ruleY([0]),[0], {
      x1: 0,
      y1: 0,
      x2: 100,
      y2: 100,
      strokeDasharray: "5,3",
      strokeOpacity: (k) => k === 1 ? 1 : 0.2
  color: { legend: false, range: ["dodgerblue", "magenta", "green", "purple" , "orange", "red", "gray"], opacity : 0.8 },
  insetTop: 10,
  insetRight: 10,
  insetBottom: 10,
  insetLeft: 10,
  height: 400,
  width: 500,
  y: { percent: false,domain:[0,80], grid: true },
  x: { percent: false, domain:[0,80], grid: true },
  caption: "Own Land",
  marks: [, {
      x: "Male Value",
      y: "Female Value",
      stroke: "Region",
      fill: "Region",
      opacity: 0.4,
      channels: {Year: "Year", Country: "Country Name"},
      tip: true
    Plot.ruleY([0]),[0], {
      x1: 0,
      y1: 0,
      x2: 100,
      y2: 100,
      strokeDasharray: "5,3",
      strokeOpacity: (k) => k === 1 ? 1 : 0.2
<span style="font-family: Andes, Arial, sans-serif;">
    <sub>Source: <a href="">World Bank</a></sub>

And that's a wrap for this visualization.

Law grants spouses equal administrative authority over assets during marriage
& Sons and daughters have equal rights to inherit assets from their parents

The fourth and final visualization on the Gender Data Portal, Assets topic page, plots two different indicators next to one another as square marks with darker and lighter colors representing 'Yes' and 'No' values. This topic examines the relative equality of men and women with respect to control over family assets. Here's the target visualization:

We'll start by re-mapping the country_and_lending_group_classification_economies dataset to create an index of country names that aligns with those in the source assets dataset.

const economies_name_map = (() => => {
  switch (country) {
    case "Côte d’Ivoire":
      return "Cote d'Ivoire";
    case "Czech Republic":
      return "Czechia";
    case "São Tomé and Príncipe":
      return "Sao Tome and Principe";
    case "Türkiye":
      return "Turkiye";
      return country;

Next we'll filter the assets dataset for our target indicators, SG.LAW.ASST.AR and SG.IHT.ASST.PT.EQ—equal inheritance rights for sons and daughters and equal authority over assets during marriage. For each filtered asset, we'll correct the country name using the mapping provided in economies_name_map, then search for the corresponding classification data in country_and_lending_group_classifications. If a classification is found, we'll add the 'Region' and 'Income group' properties, otherwise we'll set these properties to null. Finally, we will filtered again to exclude those objects with null 'Region' or 'Income group'. This ensures that only assets with complete classification information are included in our resulting equal_authority_and_rights array:

const equal_authority_and_rights = assets
  // Filter assets based on specific indicators
  .filter(asset => [
    // The law grants spouses equal administrative authority over assets during marriage (1=yes; 0=no)
    // Sons and daughters have equal rights to inherit assets from their parents (1=yes; 0=no)
  ].includes(asset['Indicator Code']))
// Process each filtered asset
  .map(asset => {
    // Correct country name based on a mapping
    const correctedCountryName = economies_name_map.find(entry =>
      entry.includes(asset['Country Name'])
    // Find classification data based on the corrected country name
    const classification = country_and_lending_group_classifications.find(c =>
      c.Economy === correctedCountryName
    // If classification data is found, add Region and Income group properties to the asset
    if (classification) {
      return {
        Region: classification.Region,
        'Income group': classification['Income group'],
    // If no classification data is found, set Region and Income group properties to null
    return {
      Region: null,
      'Income group': null,
  // Filter out assets without complete classification information
  .filter(asset => asset['Region'] !== null && asset['Income group'] !== null);

Rendering the resulting array into a data table cell, we quickly see that we have data for several years—from 1970 to 2021.

Our target visualization focuses only on data from the most recent year. Let's add one more filter to focus on observations from 2021:

const equal_authority_and_rights_2021 = assets
  .filter(asset => [
    // The law grants spouses equal administrative authority over assets during marriage (1=yes; 0=no)
    // Sons and daughters have equal rights to inherit assets from their parents (1=yes; 0=no)
  ].includes(asset['Indicator Code']) && asset['Year'] === 2021)
  .map(asset => {
    const correctedCountryName = economies_name_map.find(entry =>
      entry.includes(asset['Country Name'])

    const classification = country_and_lending_group_classifications.find(c =>
      c.Economy === correctedCountryName

    if (classification) {
      return {
        Region: classification.Region,
        'Income group': classification['Income group'],

    return {
      Region: null,
      'Income group': null,
  .filter(asset => asset['Region'] !== null && asset['Income group'] !== null);

Using a fairly simple plot, we can already come close to achieving our target visualization:

  color: { legend: false },
  //marginRight: 160,
  marginLeft: 200,
  inset: 12,
  marks: [
    Plot.frame({ strokeOpacity: 0.1 }),
        { r: "count" },
          fy: "Region",
          x: "Country Name",
          y: "Indicator Code",
          stroke: d => {
            if (d["Indicator Code"] === "SG.IHT.ASST.PT.EQ") {
              return d.Value === 1 ? "rgb(231, 173, 0)" : "rgb(231, 219, 183)";
            else if (d["Indicator Code"] === "SG.LAW.ASST.AR") {
              return d.Value === 1 ? "rgb(0, 86, 231)" : "rgb(138, 161, 231)";
          fill: d => {
            if (d["Indicator Code"] === "SG.IHT.ASST.PT.EQ") {
              return d.Value === 1 ? "rgb(231, 173, 0)" : "rgb(231, 219, 183)";
            else if (d["Indicator Code"] === "SG.LAW.ASST.AR") {
              return d.Value === 1 ? "rgb(0, 86, 231)" : "rgb(138, 161, 231)";
          tip: {
            format: {
              fill: false,
              stroke: false,
              r: false,
          symbol: "square",
  x: { axis: null },
  y: { axis: null },

But of course we can go further! With just a bit more data wrangling and some CSS magic, we can reposition and wrap the facets. Here it goes:

const equal_authority_and_rights_2021_sorted = ((() => {
  // Define an array of region names in a specific order.
  const regions = [
    "East Asia & Pacific",
    "Europe & Central Asia",
    "Latin America & Caribbean",
    "Middle East & North Africa",
    "South Asia",
    "Sub-Saharan Africa",
    "North America"
  // Use D3.js to group the input data by "Country Name".
  // Then sort the groups based on the index of their corresponding region in the defined regions array.
  // The sorting is done in descending order (-) of the region index.
  // Finally, format the sorted data as `${v[1].Value} / ${v[0].Value}`.
  return d3
      // Group the input data by "Country Name".
        .group(equal_authority_and_rights_2021, (d) => d["Country Name"])
      // Sort the groups based on the index of the region in the predefined regions array.
      (v) => -regions.indexOf(v[0].Region),
      // Format the sorted data as `${v[1].Value} / ${v[0].Value}`.
      (v) => `${v[1].Value} / ${v[0].Value}`
     // Reverse the sorted array.
    // Flatten the array, removing nested arrays.

And now for the final visualization:

<span style="font-family: Andes, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1;">
Law grants spouses equal administrative authority over assets during marriage; <br/>Sons and daughters have equal rights to inherit assets from their parents
<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; margin-left: 40px;">
    (v) =>
      ((chart) => {"mouseenter", function () {
"svg").style("z-index", 0);
"z-index", 1); // for the tooltip to be over the neighbors
        return chart;
          style: "overflow: visible; background: transparent;",
          width: 280,
          height: 100,
          x: { axis: null, insetLeft: 4, insetRight: 160, domain: [0, 19] },
          y: { reverse: true, axis: null, inset: 3 },
          fy: {
            paddingInner: 0,
            axis: null,
            domain: [-1, 0, 1, 2],
            insetBottom: 20
          opacity: { range: [0.5, 1] },
          color: { range: ["rgb(231, 173, 0)", "rgb(0, 86, 231)"] },
          marks: [
            Plot.text([v[0].Region], {
              frameAnchor: "bottom-left",
              fontSize: 17,
              facetAnchor: "top",
              dy: -4
  , {
              x: (d, i) => Math.floor((i % 40) / 2),
              fy: (d, i) => Math.floor(i / 40),
              y: "Indicator Code",
              fill: "Indicator Code",
              fillOpacity: { value: "Value", scale: "opacity" },
              symbol: "square",
              r: 3,
                            channels: {"Country": "Country Name",
                        "Equal Rights to Inherit" : (d) => {
            if (d["Indicator Code"] === "SG.IHT.ASST.PT.EQ") {
              return d.Value === 1 ? "Yes" : "No";
                        "Spouse Equal Authority" : (d) => {
            if (d["Indicator Code"] === "SG.LAW.ASST.AR") {
              return d.Value === 1 ? "Yes" : "No";

              tip: {
                format: {
                  x: false,
                  fy: false,
                  fill: false,
                  fillOpacity: false,
    (d) => d.Region
<span style="font-family: Andes, Arial, sans-serif;">
    <sub>Source: <a href="">World Bank</a></sub>

Ta-da! 🎉


Thanks to @fil for all the time mentoring and for the fantastic Plot demonstrations. Thanks to @mootarti for answering my many questions on data wrangling and for the years of encouragement. And thanks to @pstuffa for showing me many SQL equivalents to the JavaScript used in this notebook. 😊